LAST UPDATED: 2024-02-11


At SELL IT9 INC. (the“Company”, “we” or “us”), we use our website and other internet-based tools for the followingpurpose:

"We Buy your Used Electronics. Hassle-free process, instantpayments, and pickups"


We are required to  collect  and  retain information about the people and companiesthat  access  and  use  the  website (“Users” or “you”). This Policy appliesto  our  privacy practices  on  all communications  between  the Company and Users,including but not limited to communication via:


1.    the Company website(including the website hosted  at  and any other  web domain  used  by  the  Company to  communicate  with users now or in the future);

2.    any mobile, computer,or tablet-based application  currently  offered by Companyor developed in the futureby the Company; and

3.    all other services provided by the Company, as describedon the Website (Items 1 to 3 are collectively referred to as the "Website").


This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) sets out how we use, protect, collectand preserve information submitted by Users, including User information gatheredby our technology. This Policy should be read in conjunction with anyTerms of Use or policies availableon the Website.


By accessing or  submitting any information through the Website, you are agreeingto the terms of this Policy. You are prohibited from accessing or using the Website unless you  fully understand  and  agree to  this  Policy and  all  Terms of Use available for review on the Website.

If you have any questions  about this  Policy,  please contact  us  by sending  an email with your questions to before accessing or entering any information on the Website.




When you choose to create an account on the Website,we will collect and retainall personal identifying information submitted to us.


We will take steps to protectthe  information  submitted to  us  by Users  and  we will not disclose any personal  identifying information  without  the consent  of Users, unless otherwise set out in this Policy.

Personal identifying information may include but is not necessarily limitedto:


Name, Phone Number, Email,Payment address, Address


We will not use personal identifying information to contactyou for any reason unrelated to your use of the Website orfor commercial reasons unrelated to the business of the  Company. Except  with  your consent  or  where required  by  law, we will not providepersonal identifying information to any third party.




In order to  facilitate their  interactions  on  the  Website, Users  are  able, where they deem appropriate, to upload information including personal identifying information. Users should only upload information to the extent that such information enhancestheir experience of using the Website.




To learn about your experience as a User and to make periodicimprovements to the Website and our business, we may collectand retain certaininformation. We will automatically record information  about your  activity  on  the  Website. This may includeyour Internet Protocol(IP) address, operatingsystem, geolocation information, locale preferences, identification numbers associated with your

computers and mobile devices,your mobile carrier,  date  and  time  stampsassociated with transactions, system configuration  information, metadata,  and other electronic interactions with the Companyand the Website.




To facilitate  the  collection of  information  and to  enhance  the experience  of Users of the Website, we use cookies whichmay be stored on Users’ computers and/or devicesso that we can  recognize Users  when  they return.  You  may set your browserto notify you when you receive a cookie or to not accept  certain cookies.However,  changing  such settings  may  result in  you  not being  able  to use the Website, eitherin its entirety or certainfeatures.


Using cookies, you may have the option  to allow  us  to save  your  user ID  and login password for future logins to the Website.

Cookies that are stored on your computer and/or device after visiting the Websitemay be recognized for advertising purposes and to show you targeted advertisements after you visit the Website.


For more information on the cookieswe use or to opt-out,please contact us at




We may engage in "remarketing" activities using third-party  services, which may include but are not limited to Google Ads, Google Analytics, and Facebook. By using the Website, you consent to allow us to  provide  information to  third- party service partieswho may  present you with advertisements about the Companyafter you visit the Website.We will provide third-party providersof remarketing serviceswith the minimumamount of  information required to facilitate remarketing, and in  no  circumstances  will  Company provide any personalidentifying information to third-parties for the purposeof remarketing.



We use data collectedfrom  the  Website for  various  purposes, including  to: providethe Website  to you  and  accompanying customer  support;  notify you about updatesand changes to the Website;prevent and addresstechnical issues with the Website;monitor usage of the Website.


Without restriction,  we  may  use  any  information you submit through the Websitefor any purpose we deem appropriate so long as it is anonymous and stripped of any and all personalidentifying information.

We may use the data  collected from  the  Website, devices,  browsers,  and any other sources,for its own purposes,  both related  to  and unrelated  to  improvingthe Website.




We may process your personal identifying information for a number of reasons, including:


performing a contractwith you relatingto the Website;
you have providedus consent to do so;
fulfilling a legalobligation;
fulfilling our legitimate interests, which are not overridden by your rights;
for  payment  processing  purposes.





If you wish to access oramend your personal information or to request that we permanently delete your personal information from our servers,please  send  an email to We  will  ensure  your  personal information is accessible, amended and/or deletedin a reasonable time  after receiving  that request.Deleting such information may require us to terminateany account you may have created in its entiretyand prevent you from usingthe Website.

So long as your account remains  active,  we  will  preserve your personal information in accordance with the Policy.


You may decline  to share  certain  personal information  with  us, in  which  case you may not be able to use the Website, eitherin its entirety or certainfeatures.

If you have not accessed your account for a total of 1 years, we may terminate your account, withoutnotice, along with any personalinformation retained by us.


When deleting your information, whether by requestor due to inactivity, we will use standard electronic means  to  remove your  personal  information from  our files.

We will also retainany and all information that we are required to retain underany applicable laws for the full durationof time requiredunder those laws.




We will store your information in electronic formaton industry-standard serversthat we have selected. Except where requiredto do so by law, we will not storeyour personal information in any physicalor paper-based format.


The  servers  we  select to store information engage security software and generally  accepted  standards to protect personal   information.   The  software used by these  servers is  intended  to prevent  unauthorized  access or  improper use.

However, no  security  system  is  perfect and there is always a risk of unauthorized  parties accessing  your  personal information.  Therefore,  we make no guarantees or representations as to the technical or legal compliance of  the serverswe use.  We cannot  guarantee  the complete  protection  and security  of your personal information.

Our servers may  be located  outside  of Canada,  and  thus are  potentially  subject to the privacy and security laws in force in other countries. If you have

concerns about your personalinformation being stored electronically in foreign jurisdictions, please contact us before proceeding to use the Website.




In the event the personal information of a User is disclosedas the result of any breach of security of the Websiteor its servers, regardless of who is at fault,we will  take steps to advise all known affected Users within a   reasonabletimeframe of learningof the breach.




To provide an enhancedexperience to Users, including to track conversions and analytics, we may engage servicesand features controlled by  third-parties.  We cannot controlor dictate how any third-party application you use in conjunction with the Website,now or at any point in the future, will treat any personal information you transmit throughtheir  servers  when using  the  Website. We advise you to contactthese parties directlyto review their privacy policies.


Without limitation, the Company uses or may use the following third-party applications and servicesin conjunction with the Website:

Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager,Facebook Pixel


By using any  of these  third-party  application to  interact  with the  Website,  we will not be given access to your login credentials, user name, password, paymentinformation, or any information you may providedirectly to these applications.




With the following restrictions, the Website may be accessed  in  certain circumstances by personsunder the age of 18.

We take the followingprecautions  to  protect the  safety  and information  of personsunder the age of 18:

Persons under the age of 13 are prohibited from using the Website withoutthe express permission and  direct  supervision of  a  parent or  guardian.  Persons under the age of 13 are prohibited from submitting any personal identifying information through the Website. The Company will immediately  delete any personal identifying information submitted in violation of this Policy.




In certain situations,  we may  be  required to  disclose  personal data  in  response to lawful requests  by public  authorities,  including to  meet  national security  or law enforcement requirements.


We may discloseyour personal information to third parties:


1.    In the event that we sell  or  buy any  business  or assets,  in  which case  we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets.

2.    If the Companyor its assets are acquiredby a third party,  in which  case personal data about Users may be one of the transferred assets.

3.    If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal  data in  order  to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforceor apply our Terms of Use; or to protectthe  rights,  property, or  safety  of the  Company,  our Users, or others. This includes exchanging information with   othercompanies and organizations for the purposesof fraud protection and credit risk reduction.




This Policy may be updated  and amended  from  time to  time.  We reserve  the right to change this  Policy  at any  time,  and any  amended  Policy is  effective upon posting to the Website.We will make efforts to communicate any changes to this Policywe deem material, in our sole discretion, via email or notifications

on the Website. Your continued use of the Website will be deemedacceptance of any amended Policy.




We encourage you to send  us  questions and  inquiries  on this  Policy  and the steps we take  to  keep your  personal  information secure.  Please  send us  an email:


We will respondto all inquiries on the Policy within7 days.